Care Manual: Dreaming Care into Being

Care Manual: Dreaming Care into Being


From Activation Residency founder kamra sadia hakim comes their debut publication with Flower Press, Care Manual: Dreaming Care into Being. Part pedagogy and part archive of lived experience, Care Manual fuses praxis and theory into a blueprint for giving and receiving care in community.

Organized into nine chapters, Care Manual meshes source references with theories lived, pulling up fixed notions of care, consent, pleasure, and harm from their roots. Care Manual uses its own friction to soften rigid language and ideas into malleable objects and tools through a Black Trans Creator subjectivity.

Hakim’s well-defined lexicon serves as source code for the text, realized on the page as culturally specific, accessible, and open source language meant to create shared context for readers and practitioners alike.

Sixth run
70 pages
Printed in blue on cream paper with cream spiral binding by bench press
ISBN: 978-1-7377155-2-8

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